Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Provide Certificate IV in Hospitality - Barista Basics

Master Barista is $199.
Call our central booking office 1300-366-218.

It is a 5-hour barista experience that starts from the basics and culminates in two hours of non-stop coffee-making focusing on milk texturing and coffee art. We were the first people in the world to conduct coffee art courses so you will learn all the cutting-edge tricks using etching and free pouring techniques.

We have developed this course in conjunction with representatives from the coffee industry as well as representatives from educational bodies such as TAFE.

What you will get upon completion:
* Coffee Art and Presentation Techniques Certificate
* Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment
* Effective Milk Texturing Movie
* Free-Pouring Basics Movie

Plus everything that you get with Barista Basics, ie:
* Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment
* Barista Basics Certificate
* How to Make Every Coffee on a Coffee Menu movie
* Written Coffee Menu
* Ebook: How to Get a Job as a Barista

Training Locations: Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane.

Barista Basics is one of the only truly independent coffee schools in Australia, run by people with no connections to coffee companies. What it offers is independent, up-to-date coffee training executed with the utmost professionalism and a focus on inspiring others to have a passion for coffee and the techniques to enable them to be great baristas.

Barista Certificate IV Hospitality

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Barista and Coffee Training Sydney - Coffee Academy

"Whether you are looking for an immediate job or simply searching for espresso excellence, this course is for you."

It is a 3-hour barista experience that actually teaches you how to identify all the key variables that go into making espresso-based coffee then moves on to instruct you on putting all of those variables together at speed to make excellent finished coffees.

What you will get upon completion:
1. Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment
2. Barista Basics Certificate
3. How to Make Every Coffee on a Coffee Menu movie
4. Written Coffee Menu
5. Ebook: How to Get a Job as a Barista

Call our central booking office 1300 366 218.

More than just the basics, this course is designed for the following people:
* people who have no experience yet need firstly a skill and secondly a Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment to help them get a job

* people who have used an espresso machine previously but who lack proper instruction on the finer aspects of making coffee

* people who love coffee and want to learn more about it (including how it is grown, cultivated, roasted and blended) and

* people who want to know why most coffees they buy are terrible yet some are fantastic. In other words - what are the true secrets to being a gun barista?

Training Location: The Dymocks Building, 428 George Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000.

Our trainers are all effective communicators with qualifications as set down by the Australian Government as well as experienced baristas. Barista Basics is one of the only truly independent coffee schools in Australia, run by people with no connections to coffee companies.

Barista Sydney